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In evidence

Meeting with the mayors of the Cuneo area on the upgrading of the composting plant in Borgo San Dalmazzo.

An update meeting was held Wednesday, Oct. 9, at Acsr Spa in Borgo San Dalmazzo on the technological upgrading of the current composting plant with the inclusion of a new anaerobic digestion section to produce biomethane, a project authorized last Aug. 5 by the Services Conference. Present at the meeting were the mayors of the 54 member municipalities of the Azienda cuneese smaltimento rifiuti (Cuneo Waste Disposal Company), the directors of the Consorzio Ecologico Cuneese (Cuneo Ecological Consortium), the recipient of the PNRR grant, as well as our President Pier Cella Mazzariol, who was invited as the company entrusted with ...
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Carbon dioxide diversion from 1st January

tonnes of CO2eq


Screenshot 2024 10 14 alle 14.55.29

Published our second Sustainability Report

We continue our journey toward sustainability that began over a decade ago with the carbon footprint calculation and last year ...
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Schermata 2024 07 04 alle 10.58.25

Handball, 3×3 and Handbike. Entsorga continues its commitment to sports and inclusion.

Alongside the usual contribution offered to associations such as Azalai that promote sports in nature and initiatives aimed at making our places ...
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case studies