With the exception of water, cement is the most used matter in the world and the cement industry is strongly committed to make the production process more sustainable and more energy efficient. One of the keystones of its policies is to replace fossil fuels (sometimes dirty fuels due to the sulfur content) with alternative fuels, better if renewable.
In Europe some plants have already achieved a substitution ratio of more than than 80%. The SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) produced out of the MSW is strictly standardized and regulated. In the US the Non-Hazardous-Secondary-Material (NHSM) rules have opened the possibility to produce a fuel with the characteristics of a commodity. The Entsorga PEF Prometheus has obtained by the US EPA the status of non-waste and therefore can be transported and traded as a commodity.
The Entsorga proprietary technologies make it possible to produce a processed engineered fuel out of MSW by treating the waste mechanically and biologically in order to obtain a dry and homogeneous fluff with a heating value of 16-18 MJ/kg, suitable to be fed to the kilns pneumatically or mechanically.
The technologies are fully proven and bankable and have been approved by countless due diligences by independent certifiers.
In order to supply a full service to the users, Entsorga is now capable of delivering to the cement kilns complete feeding systems made up of docking stations, storage and handling equipment, dosing system and pneumatic or mechanic feeding to the kilns. All systems are fully referenced and proven.

SRF produced in Hills plant, Westbury

SRF packaged

Entsorga’s technology Pelican

Our Pelican technology, Nazareth, Pennsylvania