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In evidence

Entsorga at Bucharest Parliament to talk about efficient waste management and circular economy.

Our CEO, G. Francesco Galanzino was invited to speak at the National Conference "Circular Economy in Practice: Municipal Waste - Future Resources for TAOs " held on July 10 at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. It was a key event for the future of the circular economy in Romania, bringing together experts and leaders in the field along with representatives of the government and parliament to discuss together the most innovative solutions in urban waste management. Infrastructure development, the search for alternatives to energy recovery for non-recyclable waste, the use of Solid Secondary Fuel, and the increase of composting ...
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Carbon dioxide diversion from 1st January

tonnes of CO2eq


Schermata 2024 07 08 alle 15.03.54

Biogas and Biomethane from food waste. Our experience in two roundtable discussions in Birmingham

It is no mystery that Italy can boast several global best practices in the biogas sector. Here, much earlier than ...
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Schermata 2024 07 04 alle 10.58.25

Handball, 3×3 and Handbike. Entsorga continues its commitment to sports and inclusion.

Alongside the usual contribution offered to associations such as Azalai that promote sports in nature and initiatives aimed at making our places ...
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case studies