Last week saw the conclusion of the 25th edition of Ecomondo 2022, the leading fair event in Europe for the green economy. A special edition, which celebrated the first 25 years of the fair and which coincided for us with our 25 years of activity. There were a high number of visitors – +41% of attendees on 2021, but also +19% on the record pre-pandemic edition of 2019 – with a high number of foreign buyers, double that of last year and coming from more than 90 Countries. Hundreds of stories of innovation were told and listened to.

From mini-digestor to unexpected results on the production of biogas.
Among our innovations presented this year, two inspired a particular interest. The first was the presentation on the Operative Results of biogas production from FORSU, obtained from the composting and anaerobic digestion plant of the Territory and Resources Iren Group in Santhià, presented in the technical Session BIOWASTE – XXIV Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion organised by Consorzio Italiano Compostatori.The focus of the presentation was on the numbers of biogas production registered in the first year of the functioning of the plant built with our anaerobic semi-dry digestion technology: results that were superior to those reported in scientific papers; which could become a new reference for the production of methane from FORSU. Succeeding in producing more biomethane means reducing the payback period of this solution and could significantly influence decisions on economic feasibility. Our Cow portabile was also recognised as a success with the small scale anaerobic digestor for the recovery of small quantities of biogas coming from organic waste. It was selected as one of the relevant technological innovations for 2022 and inserted into the platform created by Ecomondo.
The Black Soldier Fly and recovery of thermal waste as a means to increase profits from digestors.
Among the other innovations presented at the fair, there was also our collaboration with BEF Biosystem, an innovative start up which patented a biotechnology for the production of protein for animal feed by breeding the larva of black soldier flies on organic waste. This solution utilizes small scale modular plants, for the creation of which we have a signed supply agreement. The use of renewable energy or recovery makes the system a true model of circular economy- efficient, safe and without environmental impact.