Circular economy in Territorio & Risorse facility: a review beyond expectations in the paper published by ????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???????.

Sustainability and circular economy are the dominant themes of the moment, so cross-cutting to touch all sectors. Even more so in an area such as ours, where waste treatment is inextricably linked to the services offered to society. Managing urban waste efficiently in fact has direct effects on communities and represents a crucial opportunity to recover raw materials and energy.

Today we already have at our disposal technologies that, if well integrated, can almost eliminate waste to landfill, recovering matter and energy potential. Green technologies, good engineering practices and controlled processes make plants efficient, safe for the environment and for operators. In two words, reliable and profitable.

One year after the anaerobic digestion section of the Santhià (VC) Territorio & Risorse plant, built with Entsorga technologies, was commissioned, we took stock of its performance in an article peer’s reviewed that was published on the ????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ???????, ??????? 21, ???. 10/2022.

The data that have emerged are definitely interesting because they report higher values than expected and more than ??% ???????? ?????????, i.e. a recovery rate close to zero: less than 5 percent of the total waste stream arriving at the plant is sent to landfill. They effectively set a new benchmark for biogas and renewable gas plants from food waste.


You can find the PDF of the paper posted on the website:
