Entsorga invests in biotechnologies linked to the life cycle of insects.

The operation that marks the entrance of our Group into the social capital of BEF (Bugs for Environment and Feed) Biosystems S.r.l., an innovative start-up that operates in the sector of sustainable insect farming has been completed. Founded in Turin in 2016, the company has just successfully completed a first round of fund raising that led to an increase in capital of € 5.200.000, undersigned not only by Entsorga, but also by Abba Srl of Antonio Belloni, Blu Acquario Prima SpA of Marco Drago and Coeclerici SpA.


At the same time a supply agreement was reached with Entsorga for the provision of the industrial production of machines developed by BEF Biosystems.


The insect farming sector is today considered one of the most interesting and promising in the struggle to meet the ever-increasing demand for protein sources and to find an alternative and sustainable solution for animal feed. BEF Biosystems has developed an innovative project in recent years which has led to the realization of a propriety technology for the breeding of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens), the species most highly utilized on a global level for the production of insect-based flour. In the month of May, 2021, the company set up the first pilot plant of “Bugsfarm” in Casalnoceto (AL), thus being able to test the process system and the technology successfully in the field. The system is based on small scale modular plants that utilize organic waste and residue that have been collected in the territory as the nutritional substrate for the larvae of the Black Fly which, once it has grown, can be used as an alternative source of protein directly in the poultry sector or, transformed into flour or fats, in several sectors (petfood, aquaculture, pig farming). The use of renewable or recovery energy sources renders the system in its entirety a model of the circular economy and environmental sustainability, that also contributes a positive impulse to the economic and social development of the surrounding territory.


Investing in the circular economy has always meant having the ability to imagine alternative solutions to familiar problems, with the visionary ability to anticipate reality. These qualities are the foundation of our company’s philosophy and are the values that we appreciate and recognize – commented G.F. Galanzino, CEO of our Group – We saw in BEF a start up with great potential and coherent with our development strategies, based on sustainable and affordable technologies: an essential combination in our opinion to allow us to define today any process as “innovative”.


The entrance of new capital will permit us to start the scale-up phase, with the consolidation of the organizational structure for the development of our company and the creation of the first plants. The development plan foresees the creation of the first 10 breeding plants by 2023 and the creation of a further 100 in Italy and abroad in the following years.