Our Group began taking the important steps which will lead us to laying out our first Sustainability Report next year, starting from the ESG Assesment carried out with the Cerved Rating Agency. On the basis of the information and data collected in the company, the service provided us with a first evaluation of our performance in the three areas of sustainability: environmental, social and governance. The perimeter of the analysis included the companies of the Entsorga group EntsorgaFin S.p.A and Entsorga Italia S.p.A., with legal and operational headquarters in Tortona. An important photograph which, with an objective and external eye is helping us to better verify and plan our mid to long term actions, by integrating the sustainability practices and the ESG criteria that they embody, at every level of our company strategies. The ESG score awarded to Entsorga is high, equal to 60/100, as it is the result of the evaluation of the scores obtained for each of the three sections.
As was easily foreseeable, the highest specific evaluation we received, equal to 71/100, was in the Environmental area, a higher number also when compared to the average sample of companies from the engineering sector and company support services, the sector in which Entsorga was collocated. Among the principle strong points that were recognized were our exceptional technological innovations and the in depth specialization of our employees in the field of waste treatment as well as that of a concrete contribution to the reduction in CO2 emissions, guaranteed by the application of our technologies. Another contributing factor to our high evaluation was the presence of certified managing systems (quality and environment), the costant monitoring of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere that were avoided thanks to our plants that have been built around the world. As well as the mitigation instruments implemented thanks to the compensatory activities created by the controlled company co2balance. The contribution given to the initiatives to favour the sensibility towards environmental themes was considered significant, as was also the inclusion and planning of ESG goals in our strategic company lines already in past years. Among the points to be improved was the lack of provision of renewable energy, a goal that has actually been reached for 2022 thanks to the installation of the photo-voltaic plant in the new offices. We were also advised to adopt the ESG screening created to evaluate providers according to environmental and social criteria, as well as the inclusion of a figure to monitor environmental aspects, an aspect that has already led us to the decision to create a sustainability committee made up of people coming from both inside and outside the company.
With regard to the Social aspect, positive indicators were recognized regarding employee management and other factors such as the inclusion of a younger age level, as well as the strong impact on the territory thanks to various initiatives set up to favour the local community. The principle gap with respect to our competitors regards the implementation of a Policy and a certified system of heath and safety management (ISO 45001), a goal that has already been set for the first semester of 2023.
In the Governance sector a positive value was awarded to the ESG inclusion goals laid out in the company strategy and the existence of transparency elements in Rating such as the legality and enrollment in the white list, essential for participation in Public Procurement. However, the absence of a Management Model that conforms to Decree Law 231 of the Ethical Code was pointed out as well as the absence of an anonymous channel to report eventual illicit practices- both of these instruments are under evaluatiin for 2023.