What happens to our cell phones when they no longer work? How long does a plastic bottle last? What are the dangers to our health caused by our droppings if they are not collected and disposed of correctly? These are a just few of the questions to which we will find answers on Friday, September 3rd at 21.00 during the conference-show TRASH!…2…1 This evening I will throw myself away, taken from the book TRASH. Everything you need to know about waste. During the evening, the authors Alessandra Viola, journalist, and Piero Martin, physicist and a Professor at the University of Padua, will tell us the science and the stories that are hidden behind many objects that we use in our day to day lives after they have concluded their “useful life”.
A conference-show to learn in an entertaining way, what waste is and how it is managed in the world of today, what objects are the most dangerous for the environment and for our health and how it is possible to transform those things that we throw away into precious resources for development, starting from our own personal and collective behaviour.
From journeys into space to the depths of the Earth, from the atmosphere to the bottom of the sea, waste is everywhere. Alas it is part of our culture and is also a risk for sustainable development (just think about plastic!). Knowing about waste, learning how to produce less of it, disposing of it more correctly and recycling as much as possible is today more important than ever and it can even be… fun!
The authors will guide the spectators through an account of the circular economy which will flow between scientific and social research, environmental education and scientific curiosity, both historical and artistic, all of which accompanied by the music of the Recycled Musical Circus, a multifaceted group that plays instruments created and made by them, parts of which come from waste material.
Both of the authors of TRASH. Everything you need to know about waste have won numerous national and international awards for their diffusion of scientific knowledge, among which we would like to mention Best scientific article of the year from the Armenise-Harvard Foundation won by Alessandra Viola.
We remind you that the event will be held in the courtyard of the picturesque Chiostro dell’Annunziata in Tortona and will begin at 21.00. In consideration of the necessary entrance procedures indicated by the anti Covid 19 protocols we would advise you to arrive early. The area dedicated to the show will be open from 19.30.
The show, put on thanks to the collaboration with Entsorga and the partnership with QuartoPiemonte, is part of the Attraverso Festival, a project of the Cultural Association Hiroshima Mon Amour and Produzioni Fuorivia with the collaboration of the Agency for the Protection of the Piedmont Apennines.