Well Being and Health in the 2021 Welfare Plan

To bring to an end a period that has overturned and that continues to adversely affect the working and private lives of all of us, in December the Group presented the Welfare Plan for next year, once again concentrating attention on the theme of personal health and well being, factors that are increasingly essential to allow us to face the future with the right amount of serenity. There are two new additions: the subscription to further insurance guarantees and an analysis to better understand the company climate.

With regard to the health plan, in order to integrate the insurance cover already available to the staff, we have added two specific insurance policies regarding Covid, which, among other things, provide an allowance in the case of hospitalization, medical assistance at home and, if necessary, psychological support. To further guarantee safety in the office, the provision of serological tests which the company already offers to all its staff and  family members who live with them will be extended.

Four years later a new analysis of the company climate has been reprogrammed which already started at the end of this year through the compilation of questionnaires and the creation of specific Focus groups. From this survey, we will be able to understand how the work dynamic is currently experienced, the interactions inside the groups and from this we will see the needs and expectations of each member of the staff.

In 2020 our company was one of the lucky ones who was able to continue to work, without the need for holiday periods or furlough schemes. As we are aware of this privileged position, the launch of the new Welfare Plan was for Entsorga a necessary action, but more especially, it was a commitment that the Group has symbolically made with regard to all its staff, so as to close this unpredictable year  by investing in and protecting its most important capital, its people.