We have presented the three formative projects that Entsorga will set up with the University of Pavia in the sphere of the Lauree Magistrali Plus program, that have already been up and running for 5 years with companies such as Eni, Accenture, Bip., Huawei, and many others.
The program will permit students from the departments of Biotechnologies, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering to be inserted into the company so as to experience in the field the real work dynamics, involving them in projects that have already been activated inside our company. There are two particular sectors in which they will be involved: the mobile anaerobic digestion plant and a project for process analysis and data archival.
The bands to become candidates will be published starting from July. In October interviews will be held to select the winning candidates and the projects will begin between February/March 2023. The students will live for two entire terms in the company during the course of their magistrale degree, becoming to all purposes an integral part of our team.