The pathway initiated by Entsorga with the University of Pavia as part of the Lauree Magistrali Plus program will start on March 1, 2023. The program has already been active for five years with companies including Huawei, Eni, Accenture and Bip
Two students, one from the Department of Advanced Biotechnology and one from Environmental and Territorial Engineering, will be placed in the company for one year, until Feb. 28, 2024. They will follow the project dedicated to our COW portable, the prototype mobile anaerobic digestion plant to recover biogas even from small amounts of sludge or organic waste.
Students will spend two full semesters of their master’s degree course at the company, delving with our engineering team into the application of the innovative COW semi-dry anaerobic digestion method to the transportable version. The COW Portable is a small-scale “semi-dry” digester with a treatment capacity of 1000 t/a. Inside it, organic waste ferments in a controlled way in the absence of oxygen, providing two products: biogas, a gas composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, and, after about 20 to 30 days, a digestate suitable for composting and to produce a high-quality fertilizer for agriculture.
Our welcome to the newcomers and our best wishes of good work!