The Second Edition of the World Biogas Expo and Summit 2020 concludes

Developing the production of Biogas and Bio Methane over 10 years could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 12%, thus aiding significantly in the effort to contrast the effects of climate change.
How to harness this “green potential” and reach the ambitious goal by 2030 was the question at the centre of the World Biogas Expo and Summit 2020, the biggest international fair dedicated to Anaerobic Digestion and renewable energies, which this year took place in totally virtual format between October 6-8, 2020.

Experts and specialists from around the world came together to share their knowhow and best practices, discuss their experiences and agree on the best strategic approach for a healthier and more sustainable future.
Among the many appointments, there was a web-in-air of G.F. Galanzino, a member of the WBA Council, a no profit Organization created in London in 2016 to support the development of the Biogas industry throughout the world.

The focus of our CEO was on the experience that Entsorga has accumulated regarding the development of the Eisenmann semi-dry anaerobic digestion, a technology that is today one of the most requested on the market and that is commercialized exclusively for Italy by our Group. In particular he analyzed the case history of the plant in Santhià, which Entsorga is building for the Iren Group with a “turnkey contract”.

The digester, which has all the characteristics necessary to become a reference on the market in the biogas production sector, will be the first in Italy to utilize this decidedly innovative, safe and flexible technology.

As well as climate change, there were many important topics on the agenda that served to demonstrate the impact of Biogas on various sectors , from sustainable urban development to the creation of a global green economy with zero emissions, which could create up to 12-15 million new jobs.

The meeting also provided a preview of the WBA Biogas – The Roadmap To 2030, an anticipated report on the actions to be taken to reach the energy efficiency goals set out by the UN for 2030.